Arriving in Singapore and the first thing I said is “WOW”. Very clean, very organized and you look at the amazing buildings architecture. It’s as spectacular as Dubai. They both have amazing architecture, but Singapore is more spread around and has a lot of green spaces. The city/country is very cosmopolitan, just like Dubai, Toronto or New York where you see quarters of certain ethnicity. You have China town, little India or the Arab street. There’s no predominant culture there are people from everywhere and the official language is English, but you hear all kind of languages spoken in public spaces. I was impressed not only by the architecture but also by the cleanliness, the organization, the modernization is visible everywhere.
Singapore used to be part of Malaysia when it was founded right after independence from the British. It looks very different from Malaysia; Singapore looks very modern and very clean. The laws are very strict in Singapore (ex: chewing gum is illegal) whatever it is you see the government is working for its people. I read that 15% of the population of Singapore has a net worth of at least 1 million. Because they have very limited space, Singaporeans cannot own their houses; they lease it from the government.


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