After recovering from yesterday trip to Bali, I got up next day and headed out to go to Kuta, a little town near the beach. I took what’s called Ojek, a guy who rides on his motorbike and will transport his passenger on the back seat of his motor bike. I asked him to stop in downtown Denpasar. I told him I don’t want to stop for a couple of hours and paid for the trip. I started walking in Denpesar and visited the Bali museum and temples and you can sense the strong and beautiful culture and architecture of the Balinese people. I also visited the Puputan Park, it has a statue to commemorate the struggle of the Balinese people against the Dutch colonization. Basically the puputuans were fighters who will suicide rather than surrender to the Dutch. The Balinese ended up loosing all their soldiers and at the end the Dutch took over Bali.
After few hours, I went to Kuta, just 10 KM south of Denpesar. Kuta is probably the most known place in Bali because of the surfing. I was very disappointed because I was expected to see something different. Basically Kuta is just a big party and surfing town next to the beach, full of shops and hotels. The shops and hotels are owned by some locals and some foreigners. I walked in the streets and I felt I was in a college town, the rich culture that I saw in Denpasar almost disappeared. I decided to stay the night there just to make sure I give myself enough time to see the place. Kuta area and the surrounding towns that are close to the airport are perfect for people who want to spend a vacation while enjoying water sports. Next day I researched more from the internet and the tourist information center, I decided to get out of Kuta and discover other places on the island of Bali; I guess I wanted to see more of the rich culture and nature’s beauty. I went ahead and rented a scooter to start my touring around Bali.


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