It’s almost 2 months since I got back to Canada, it’s nice to come back meet my friends and come back to the place I come to call home. The past few weeks have been very hard trying to readjust to my new environment. I felt sometimes unhappy for being here. I guess once I start traveling I don’t feel I want it to stop but I guess there’s no escape from reality at least temporary.

I started to think why I was very happy and positive when I was in South America and now I feel the opposite. I knew since starting my first trip that traveling will have some impact on how I think and believe. But never thought I will find it hard to come back to society, I truly believe that the traveling that I’ve done has been like a therapy. I always wish that every person I meet or see will have an opportunity to experience what I have experienced and to develop his/her views about today’s life without being overwhelmed by advertising and society’s conformity. I felt that my recent trip had a greater impact on me than the first one, but after many thoughts I realized I have just advanced and changed my way of thinking and that’s probably what made me feel that I enjoyed this last trip. I believe it’s a long process, to unlearn and unload all the misinformation and manipulation that have been fed to us through the media, or through other methods of influencing and manipulation our choices and our way of thinking, and I believe in order to achieve happiness, someone has to set himself free from all this and for me traveling is one way to do it.
Since arriving back, I felt as if I am in a different world, and when some friends asked me how I am doing, I would tell them that I feel I am going crazy. Many times I sat down to write a new post on my blog but I couldn’t, I felt I lacked the energy or the motivation to do that. Now, I have a clearer vision, and I understand what I want more than before, and I keep learning about life and about myself. To end this post with a quote I saw in a hostel while traveling, “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page”.


2 Responses to #138 Trying to readjust

  1. Ghaith says:

    Interesting post. I would say to those who do no travel they just read the title. Nice pictures too. God bless you

  2. PL says:

    I heard that quote for the first time the night before I flew from Montreal to Sint Maarten with my dad. It easily come to my mind when I see condescendent people whi think they knows everything because of internet, youtube, etc.

    Have a good cup of tea, relax, look at the others running after time. Living the present moment seems to be a luxury for some person.

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